Auto-posting to social networks - three free services! Autoposting from RSS to social services Autoposting RSS to a VKontakte group

If you promote one or more brands on social networks and publish content on several platforms every day, then you probably know how long it takes to post each post. To reduce labor costs, we suggest using special services for delayed posting on Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte and other social networks.

Delayed posting is the automatic posting of posts on social networks at a certain time. You can plan the order and timing of publications, optimize work and, as a result, save time. In addition, scheduled posting services help simplify cross-posting. You can set up a publishing schedule and post on several social networks at the same time.

We present the 15 most popular services for delayed posting on social networks. Let's consider their features, evaluate functionality and cost. Go!


What is the price:


  • You can create a post, and the service will publish it on selected social networks immediately or at the time you specify.
  • Import from RSS. You can connect an RSS feed and publish news from your website automatically on all social networks.
  • Import video. You can share videos from YouTube, RuTube, Coub, Vimeo and Dailymotion in one click.
  • Automatic link marking (adding UTM tags). This will help you better track clicks to your site.
  • Adding watermarks to published images. This will protect the content from being copied.


Flaws: not detected.

3. SMMplanner

What is the price:


Flaws: not detected.


What is the price:


Flaws: not detected.

7. SEOlit

What is the price:




Flaws: high price.

13. Buffer

What is the price:


  • Delayed posting according to schedule.
  • Working with RSS.
  • Adding UTM tags to links.
  • Analytics of advertising campaigns.
  • Ability to upload videos and GIFs.


  • There is no Russian version.
  • Works with Instagram only in the mobile version of the service.
  • High price.

14. CleverPub

What is the price:


  • Publishing content on a schedule.
  • Community statistics available.
  • Ability to conduct content analytics.
  • Low cost.

Flaws: limited functionality.

15. EcoTime

What is the price: the service is free.


  • Publishing content on a schedule.
  • Availability of an extension for Google Chrome.
  • Ability to add watermarks to published content.
  • Collection of statistics on audience activity.

Flaws: limited functionality.

Posting RSS– is the publication of posts on social media. networks, which are taken from the site’s RSS news feed, which, in turn, is formed from publications and materials posted on the site. This feed was created for convenient receipt and aggregation of news announcements from various web resources, so that users can quickly learn about the news. Typically, the RSS feed contains a limited number of introductory (trimmed texts, announcements) paragraphs of materials published on the site, sorted by the time they were posted. The tape has its own format and marking standard. This format is based on a markup language similar to html; all data from posts posted in the feed is framed with tags that characterize this data. Example entry:


Post announcement text

The main tags are title - the title of the post and description - the description of the post. There is also the time of the post (pubDate), the author of the post (author) and the category of the post on the site (category).

Post from feed

This data can be used to organize RSS posting from your social media feed. networks in such a way that when new materials appear on the site, their announcements will automatically spread across social groups. networks of this site. For this, the main tags (title, description) are used, plus, usually, the image tag is used, which denotes the picture of the post, so that the posts are not just text, but visual, with a picture. When organizing posting, you need to remember (cache) those materials that have already been posted and avoid duplication.

RSS posting is a very convenient method of notifying your subscribers about site updates. If you have a website on any popular CMS then? Most likely, the announcement feed is generated automatically, or you need to add and activate the corresponding plugin. If you have a self-written development, then you may need to hire a programmer to create the tape.

Our RSS publishing service

To organize automatic posting from your feed, you can use our service, this functionality is implemented. To do this, you need to add your channel in the settings, and set the time and frequency of publication in the auto-posting section, selecting the added channel as the source of posts. From now on, all work will be carried out automatically.

Publishing posts on several social networks takes a long time. You have to go to every social network and every community, prepare a post, manually attach pictures or create polls... It will take the whole evening. But there is a way to do this in a couple of minutes - cross-posting.

Cross-posting – posting posts on different social networks and even instant messengers from the same admin panel. You create only one post, and it is automatically published in all your groups, publics and accounts. Or you post a new article on the website, and its announcement also appears on all social networks.

Crossposting is needed to:

  • save time on manual duplication of posts, and therefore on maintaining communities;
  • Don’t disrupt your content plan and posting deadlines because more important things have come up;
  • speed up the indexing of articles by publishing announcements from the site on social networks.

In this article we will talk about how to use cross-posting, what services are available for this, and what determines its effectiveness.

How to set up crossposting

The simplest functionality for cross-posting is available on social networks themselves. Let's go to the settings of your personal VK page and open the "Contacts" section:

In VK you can configure integration only with Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

We attach accounts - and now posts from VK will be automatically duplicated on Twitter and Facebook. And when we publish a new photo on Instagram, it will appear on the wall or in the VK album.

This post was exported to FB from VK

But 2 problems arise:

  • You cannot export posts from communities (with the exception of VK communities on Twitter). If you only upgrade personal pages, this is normal. If you do complex SMM, it’s bad.
  • The number of social networks is limited. It will not be possible to set up cross-posting in Odnoklassniki, YouTube, etc.

This method is not suitable for full promotion. Therefore, it is better to use cross-posting services.

Each such service is an aggregator from where you manage publications to all your accounts and communities. There you write posts, distribute them in the calendar grid and set the publication time. We have identified the 5 most popular services.


Price:130–500 rubles/month, but you can only pay for posts. If you publish up to 100 posts per month, the service is completely free. You just need to subscribe to the SMMplanner communities on VK and Facebook.

Free period- 7 days.

Here you can unite communities into groups. If you are an SMM manager and manage several projects, create these projects in SMMplanner and add the appropriate groups and pages to them.

We connect our projects with communities so that there is no confusion when posting

A unique feature of SMMplanner is the automatic deletion of entries after some time. This is convenient if you post “temporary” posts: about promotions, special offers, etc.

We send a post with a message about the discount to several social networks, set up automatic deletion after a week

This is a balanced, simple service. Suitable for beginners and experienced SMM specialists.


Price:from RUR 300/month (50% discount when paying for six months).

Free period- 14 days.

SmmBox is a smart service. It searches for popular posts on 16 topics and suggests them for publication in your communities. This is convenient if you don’t want to be creative yourself (although you can also create original posts). Moreover, you can search for the most popular records even after the demo version ends. It's free.

We find a good post and post it on our site. It can be in the same form, or you can change something before publishing - add text, remove a couple of pictures

The posts selected by the service are suitable for publication on any social networks. For example, we can drag a post from Tumblr to VK, Facebook, etc. There is a simple image editor where you can apply a filter to a picture or crop it before publishing. And the maximum tariff allows for batch uploading of pictures: you upload up to 25 images from your computer and receive the same number of ready-made posts.

We immediately attach other attachments, set the posting time, and if necessary, add a watermark to the pictures

SmmBox has browser plugin . Place it and create new posts by pressing Alt+X. You don’t even need to log into your personal service account.

We create a post with a picture and text on any page of any social network

There is a serious disadvantage: Instagram connects through an external service. You have to pay for this separately.

This service is convenient if you “take in quantity”: you make a lot of publications and are constantly looking for new content for a wide audience.


Price:Free if you manage up to 7 communities. If more – $6/month (there is a 50% discount if you pay for six months).

Free period- 14 days.

Posting on YouTube is what is especially interesting about PublBox. You upload the video and at the appointed time it appears on your YouTube channel. Just like in other social networks.

Attach a video, write text and select social networks for cross-posting

There is also a built-in design editor with a bunch of templates. Choose a template, change the text and graphic blocks - and the image for the post is ready. There is no need to search for stock images and process them in Photoshop. And in “Reports” you can see which post with which picture received the most likes and reposts.

In the editor you can work with layers, change the background, add shapes and more

PublBox has a lot of SMM usefulness: extensions for engaging subscribers, an intelligent navigator for developing a content plan, etc. There is also a minus: all communities and profiles from each social network must be connected and configured manually. It's a long time.

If graphic content is at the forefront for you, and you are serious about SMM for the long haul, choose PublBox.


Free period- 14 days.

Amplifier is a tool for smart cross-posting. It adapts images for different social networks, adds UTM tags to links, and creates reports on views and clicks. Analyzes content: suggests the best time to publish for your target audience and evaluates which materials are good and which are not.

In Amplifer you can also edit posts for each social network. Built-in typographer will place the correct dashes and quotation marks

In order for Amplier to post announcements of articles from the site, connect RSS. But only after payment

This is the most functional, but also the most expensive service. Suitable for professional SMM specialists.

Pur Ninja

Price:$10 per month. The price includes unlimited posting and 50 accounts on social networks.

Free period- 7 days.

Everything is clear here:

5 items in the menu, and at the top the main button is “Write a post”

  • Schedule – here we fill out the publication schedule;
  • Accounts – connect and disconnect your communities and personal pages;
  • Analytics – we monitor how the communities’ audience grows during cross-posting;
  • RSS import – connect RSS 2.0 to publish materials from the site on social networks;
  • Team – we involve a colleague or a hired SMM manager in the work.

The main advantage of Pur Ninja is its convenient editor. You attach media files to posts, set the publication date, and put watermarks on pictures. And most importantly, posts can be immediately edited for different social networks.

We are preparing two versions of the post - for the VK and Instagram communities. You can immediately place emoticons and crop photos

Pur Ninja is good for beginners. It is very simple, but advanced SMM functionality is not provided.

Other services

Didn't find what suits you? Here are some more options:

How to make crossposting effective

  1. Don't spam. The content should be relevant: there is no need to randomly fill all social networks with publications using cross-posting. On VK you can sometimes publish 10 posts a day, but for Facebook this is a lot.
  2. Follow posts and give feedback in the comments. People don't like soulless auto-posting. It makes your work easier, but no service will communicate with subscribers for you.
  3. Try to adapt the content to the social network format. What is good for Odnoklassniki will not be understood on Facebook. If the post is ambiguous, don’t be lazy and publish it in two or three versions. Pur Ninja and Amplifier services will help with this.

And with the help of cross-posting you can do interesting things - for example, conduct single surveys in all social networks at once. To do this, we’ll create a survey in Google Forms and attach a link to it to the post. This is what it looks like in Pur Ninja:

Even Instagram and Twitter users will take the survey, where it is impossible to create regular surveys

Who needs crossposting?

Cross-posting will be useful for SMM specialists, bloggers and those who promote their own products on social networks. Use it to get rid of routine work. But remember: cross-posting does not replace the need to comprehensively develop your communities/accounts. It is just a tool, and it only works in interaction with others.

There is also a minus - Facebook ranks posts exported from other social networks and cross-posting services low. They are less likely to appear in your subscribers’ feeds.

If you have any questions, you can
ask them in the comments below.

There is a simple task: We need to make it as easy as possible for readers to find out about the release of a new article on the site.

I want automation. Fortunately, I have already walked a good part of this path, so enjoy it to your health.

Foreign ones are distinguished by their elaboration, good interface, flexible tariff plans with the ability to use for free, stable operation and a general lack of support for Russian social networks.

Russian ones, as a rule, are unstable, have an inconvenient interface, and lack critical functions. Well, if something is done more or less well, then our services turn on Wild Capitalism. There are no free plans.

But in vain. Everyone hereby capitalists know that a person should first give benefits, and only then will he willingly begin to part with money.

Capitalists apply this to offline businesses. And online, where the work of robots is virtually free, it’s simply stupid not to do this.

One of the Western services even draws a picture of where the funds paid to them go. Here you can see that the operation of an already made service (HOSTING) costs practically nothing:

Social media automation technology

One can imagine three options.

  1. After we've written a new article, we go to each social network and manually post updates to our followers.
  2. After we have written a new article, we go to Central Control Center, we post the news there, which will be automatically distributed across all our social networks.
  3. We have written a new article and you don't need to do anything, the robots themselves understand that a new article has appeared and send news about it to all social networks.

The third option seems to be the most preferable.

How can a robot know that we have a new article? There is a standard mechanism for this, called RSS. Every normal blog has several levels. At the top level people see it: with beautiful pictures, texts, comments. But there are also lower levels, like the engine of a car, where the same data is presented in a form convenient for robots. Here's an example:

So to automatically distribute updates to the social network, we will use RSS.

The best services for auto-posting from RSS to social networks

Let's get straight to the winners.
International stage: for deliver it = deliver it)
The service can do everything you need. Works stably and reliably. Free to collect up to 5 RSS feeds and post to 3 different social accounts. Separately, I would like to note the flexible, powerful settings system. You can disable the link shortener so that original links to articles are posted.

Unfortunately, in order to publish on Google+, you need to pay for, so for our free mission we will have to use another service: humor; as you know twitter = chirping like a bird; at this time, hoot suite = set to hoot like an owl)
If you pay for this service, then it is not much worse than our winner. Unfortunately, I was never able to disable the proprietary link shortener. Goodbye normal SEO. But the free version of the hutsuit allows you to automatically post to Google+ from RSS. Just what you need!

The last bastion remains: Russian social networks. First of all, VKontakte. The services and seem promising, but they suffer from enjoying Wild Capitalism, there are no free tariffs. I mention them only because the other Russian alternatives are no better, even on paper.

For free posting we will limit ourselves to VKontakte. At the moment I have settled on the service: (link no longer available)(in translation [it is] time to publish)
On paper, this is a very good service. Free. In practice, Twitter falls off, doesn’t post on LinkedIn at all, and on VKontakte during testing, instead of one message, I posted about 20 at once.

If this will happen at least once in production, I will stop using it immediately. So far the flight is normal.

Alternative for VKontakte: You can try to write to VKontakte technical support so that they can enable your group to autopost from RSS. VKontakte, in principle, can do this in standard ways.

This completes our free kit, as soon as I publish this article, links to it automatically will appear in my twitter, group in contact with, group Facebook, page Google+. These are the social networks that seem most necessary to me.

My reader should not have to adapt to me. I will adapt to him, I will deliver my content to him exactly where it is convenient for him to receive it.

    Hello dear friends!

    Today I will share with you my experience automation of content on the site and in the VKontakte community. I’ll tell you how to close this chain to get “ Perpetual motion machine", which will work without your participation.

    I recommend using the described method for VKontakte communities that are just starting to develop or with an audience of no more than 300,000 subscribers. Popular public pages will require slightly different methods of work; I will talk about them in the following articles.

    Crossposting VKontakte (automatic posting) – external site – VKontakte

    I will divide the entire process into stages and steps so that you can immediately understand how to properly set up this mechanism.

    We believe that you already have a VKontakte community and you maintain it from time to time. Now…

    STEP 1 – Automate posting to a thematic site

    STEP 1. Create a website on the topic of your community (for example, “Women’s Thoughts” or “Business at the Speed ​​of Thought”). Be sure to optimize your site for VKontakte posts, i.e. configure the display of content (message text and picture).

    STEP 2. We install a parser for the RSS feed of VKontakte communities on the site.

    The parser can be developed or buy from me. I called him " Perpetual motion machine " When ordering, I will help with installation on the site. It has been working successfully on my sites for more than six months. Anyone interested, write to me through the contacts section.

    Screenshot of the parser code " Perpetual motion machine»:

    Parser copying interval " Perpetual motion machine» information from the group – every 20-40 minutes.

    STEP 3. Select 3-5 communities from which we will take information and enter it into the parser.

    Be sure to choose groups or public pages with an audience of less than 100,000 people, this way you will avoid advertising posts getting into the copied feed (it cannot be limited and stop words can be predicted, so the parser copies absolutely all posts from the community wall). The quality of the content will not suffer from this.

    And don’t forget about copyrights (logos) on post images. It is important that the groups you choose do not use them. As practice shows, 80% of communities do not have them, so it will not be a problem to find such communities.

    Why choose more than one source? So that the posting process does not stop. If in one group posts are not published today, then in another, according to the theory of probability, they are published. This way you will avoid downtime in copying posts to your website.

    STEP 4. That's it, you have started automation. Now your site is filled with fresh content from selected communities around the clock.

    STAGE 2 – Automate posting to the VKontakte community

    To set up posting from your site to a thematic group, you need to connect RSS feed of your site.

    How to connect the RSS feed of your website to the VKontakte community?

    STEP 1. From the personal page of the community creator we write to the support service message with the following content:


    Connect an external RSS feed to the community


    Please tell me, is it possible to automatically import news from the RSS of this site into the official community of an entertainment site?

    Thank you!

    To which we receive a positive response within 24 hours:

    STEP 2. Now let's go to " Page management"Your community and we see that a new field has appeared" Import RSS"! We insert it into link to the RSS feed of your site.

    Import conditions: the tape is accessed every hour, no more than three records per hour.

    STEP 3. We log into our community three hours later and see new posts:

    And they already have likes and reposts. =)

    Congratulations, you have just fulfilled a childhood dream - you have launched a perpetual motion machine. It is of course conditional. It works as long as the information sources work. But I think they will never stop. This means that the content on your website and in your community will never stop being updated!

    Constantly filling the group with new information will lead to an increase in the number of subscribers. When your community reaches 100,000 subscribers, you can move on to manual labor, making better posts. But that will come later. For now, sit back, sip your coffee and watch your group fill up.

    I think the article will be useful to you and will motivate you to action.

    If you don’t know how to make a website, create or install a parser, write in the comments below or to me directly in the contacts section.

    If you want to buy the “Perpetual Motion” parser, write to me in contacts.

    I look forward to your comments and feedback on the article. I'm interested to know your opinion.

    Like and repost this article on any social network using the buttons below.