The object does not support the cookie property or method. Object does not support Sign properties or method: causes of error and how to resolve it. Insert your own web pages to visualize the values

1. Question: When creating a request in the FZS online portal, an error occurs: “It is impossible to create an object by the object programming server.” What to do?

Answer: First, you need to install “CryptoPro EDS Browser Plugin” version 2.0. Secondly, when the pop-up window appears at the bottom of the page “This web page is trying to run an add-on...” you need to click “Allow for all pages” (preferred) or “Allow”.

2. Question: What should I do if an error occurs: “Unknown cryptographic algorithm”?

Answer: In the case of Windows x64, two registry branches must be deleted:

In the case of Windows x32, you need to delete one registry branch:

3. Question: When creating a request in the FZS online portal in Windows 10, an error occurs: “The object does not support the property or method “CreateObject”.” What to do?

Answer: By default, the Windows 10 operating system uses the Microsoft Edge browser; the FZS portal does not work on it. The FZS portal must be accessed only using Internet Explorer version 9.0. and higher.

4. Question: We cannot get into the request created in the Federal Law Service through the initial submission of documents; only the request number has been saved. What to do?

Answer: Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to get into this request. To further work with the created request, you need to save not only the request number, but also a link to the request itself (see screenshot). To submit documents, you must re-create a certificate request.

5. Question: Is it necessary for the applicant organization to obtain CryptoPro from the Certification Center if it already has its own CryptoPro?

Answer: To work in the information systems of the Federal Treasury, you must have version CryptoPro 4.0 or higher. If the applicant organization has a distribution kit and a sufficient number of licenses, then there is no need to obtain new ones.

6. Question: How to get CIPF CryptoPro 4.0?

Answer: To obtain CIPF, you must provide the following to the Certification Center:

A) to receive means of cryptographic protection of information. The number of requested licenses for CIPF should not exceed the number of employees who have certificates from the UC FC;

B) write-once optical media (CD-R, DVD-R).

7. How to install new root certificates?

8. Question: When forming an electronic signature using the online portal, it is impossible to select powers under 44-FZ, what should I do?

Answer: To work on the website according to 44-FZ, you do not need to select powers; when drawing up an Application for a certificate, one tick “Client Authentication” is enough. Powers are distributed in your personal account. The same applies to SMEV (GIS GMP).

9. Question: How to find the container (private key) of a certificate?

Answer: The container is formed at the moment the Certificate Request is generated, when you click on the “Save and generate request” button on the website This way the private key can be stored:

1) In the registry of the computer on which the certificate request was created (if the program did not prompt you to select a medium to save the container);

2) On the media that was inserted into the computer at the time the request was generated, and which you selected (USB-Flash, Rutoken, etc.) To view the containers that are available on the computer, open "CryptoPRO CSP", the "Service" tab, click "View certificates in container" and "Browse". A window will open with a list of available containers, their numbers and storage location. The container number, as a rule, corresponds to the date and time of its formation. For example, container with number 420112233 was formed on April 20 (04/20) at 11:22:33.

10. Question: Is it necessary to re-enter into the Agreement of Accession (Agreement) to the regulations of the Certification Center of the Federal Treasury (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) if the name of the organization has changed?

Answer: The accession agreement is renegotiated if the applicant organization’s TIN and/or OGRN have changed. If only the name of the organization has changed, then there is no need to re-conclude the Agreement. It is necessary to conclude and also provide for each certificate received for the old name.

Probably, many users working with complex multi-level reporting systems have had to deal with a situation where, out of the blue, an incomprehensible error message pops up on the screen like “The object does not support properties or the Sign method.” Let's look at the main reasons for this failure and methods to quickly fix the problem.

Message that an object does not support a Sign property or method: what is it?

First of all, please note that the average user is unlikely to encounter such problems. An error like “The object does not support the properties or method of Sign” mainly appears in highly specialized programs.

An example would be clients like VTB-24, Kontur-Extern and others. In general, such applications refer to accounting programs in which you can create special reports. In some cases, the error “The object does not support the properties or method Sign” can also appear when trying to make an online payment, when viewing data from government procurement sites - in general, wherever a confidential operation is required.

To confirm the legality of such a document or transaction, a special digital (electronic) signature, sign cab, is used. This is where problems arise. Roughly speaking, the user’s system simply does not recognize it due to some reasons that will be discussed below, and therefore does not identify the document or transaction as trustworthy.

Possible reasons for the failure

Among the many reasons that can lead to such errors, most experts cite the lack of some script libraries registered in the system that are required to establish a signature recognition method, a ban on the use of ActiveX controls, an outdated version of the .NET Framework, blocking of signatures and sites by antiviruses and firewalls etc.

In addition, the error “The object does not support the Sign property or method” (Windows 7, 64 bits) appears exclusively when using the Internet Explorer browser (sometimes this type of opening is performed automatically in this browser). Therefore, its settings can solve the problem in most cases. Below are some methods to solve this problem.

Error “The object does not support the Sign property or method”: what to do first?

The simplest and most logical solution to this problem is to simply change the browser. Instead of Internet Explorer, you can try opening a document or website in Opera or Google Chrome. Even if it opens automatically in Internet Explorer, there is nothing easier than copying the link and pasting it into the address bar of another browser.

If the user is dealing with a program, it is worth looking at its settings and changing the default browser.

To monitor correct operation, you can also temporarily disable the standard anti-virus scanner and Windows firewall, and then see if the document or website opens. If everything is fine, the program and Internet resource will need to be added to the exclusion list.

Installing and registering additional components

However, the solution to eliminating the “Object does not support properties or Sign method” error is not limited to this. For most applications of this type to work, the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 and higher must be installed on the system.

Conclusion: you need to download and install the latest release of the package, and then check the functionality.

In addition, when such a failure appears in the message, you can often see additional indications that some components necessary for operation are not registered in the system. As a rule, these are jscript.dll and vbscript.dll, and this situation can occur even with Windows Script Host installed. In turn, there is a high probability that the platform itself is installed incorrectly. Thus, you should first install this component as an administrator, and then proceed to registering libraries.

This is done from the command line, which is called via cmd in the “Run” menu (Win + R). To register, use the regsvr32.exe command, followed by the full file name separated by a space (for example, regsvr32.exe jscript.dll). Then simply press the enter key. If anyone doesn't know, the jscript library is a Java element, and vbscript is a Visual Basic library.

Changing Browser Settings

As for Internet Explorer itself, it is recommended to use browser version no lower than version seven, but it is better to download the latest one.

Another point related to the “Object does not support Sign properties or method” error is that some add-ons installed in the browser itself may block the detection of an electronic signature. Therefore, if there are add-ons or extensions like, Yahoo or something else, it is strongly recommended not only to disable them, but also to remove them altogether.

Finally, to fix the problem, you need to go to the Internet Properties section (either from the browser or through the Control Panel), find Trusted Sites in the Security tab and go to the Security Level setting, where you need to allow all ActiveX controls to run.

In some cases, it may be enough to simply clear the cache and Cookies, as well as remove garbage from the Temp folder in the user directory. In this case, on the privacy tab in the Internet properties, it is advisable to disable the acceptance of all Cookies, and then confirm the changes.


It remains to be said that almost all of the above methods fix the problem quickly and quite simply. Failures associated with the penetration of malware into the system were not considered here, since every user should already understand that protecting the system when working with such specifics should be a priority.

Error: "Unable to load module capicom.dll" Error: "The capicom object is not installed"

Errors from when logging in using an Electronic Digital Signature)

Solving these problems in 5 minutes. (There are two methods available to you, manual and automatic.) If the error persists in the automatic solution after installing the first component, use method No. 2. If you have any questions, write in the comments.

Automatic registrationlibraries capicom_ component for working with digital signature capicom_2.1.0.2_sdk

If after installing the auto-installer you still get an error on platforms using the capicom.dll librariesyou need to remove previously installed libraries, go into the registry using the regedit command and delete all keys with the index capicom.dll. After this, reboot the workstation and proceed to the procedure for manually installing the library according to the scheme described below. Current library as of January 10, 2012 v2.1.0.2

To install capicom.dll on Windows (XP), follow these steps:

Manually registering the installation of the capicom_ library download the archive and unpack it to C:\WINDOWS\system32\ (capicom.dll). After placing the library in the desired directory, run on the command line C:\WINDOWS\system32\regsvr32 capicom.dll

For installation CAPICOM.dll on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1follow these steps:

1. Download the file

2. Extract to the directory "C:\windows\syswow64"

3. Register the dll library, to do this, in the command line (Start - Run) enter: c:\windows\syswow64\regsvr32.exe capicom.dll

4. To create a repository, download the CreateOP file

5. Unzip the file and copy the files from the folder

6. Go to C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\... and paste the copied files with file replacement

7. Run the CreateOP.bat file (if you do not see the “.bat” extension, then you need to run the file that appears as “MS-DOS Batch File”)

8. After running the file, a window should appear, click OK in it

9. In the next window, click OK again

Be sure that all domain names that you work with through capicom must be added to trusted nodes in the browser properties!!! If this is not done, the error: “Failed to load module capicom.dll” and the error: “The capicom object is not installed” may appear regardless of the presence of Capicom in the system.!!!

This information will be useful to clients of banks that are part of the VTB Group. Occasionally, you encounter a problem of the following nature: when logging into Internet banking, the following message appears on the computer screen: “Error: the object does not support the properties or method Browseforfolder vtb”, what should you do in this case? Let's try to understand this in more detail.

The essence and causes of the problem with Browseforfolder

Most often, legal entities face this situation. Let's consider the main factors causing such a situation.

  1. The reason may be trivial. First of all, you need to check access to the server from which you receive the Internet resource. If there is no connection, then try to fix the problem. Contact your provider and make a request to restore the access channel.
  2. Sometimes there is no contact between the connecting nodes, which can cause an error. However, this happens extremely rarely.
  3. In some situations, there are discrepancies between the Windows OS levels of the computer and the application software for online viewing of the bank’s web page.
  4. The most common cause of failure is a conflict between the Browseforfolder security cryptographic script and certain settings of the ActiveX controls that are the building blocks for the client-server application.
  5. There are situations when an error appears due to an outdated software shell (Framework).
  6. Another factor is that the browser settings are selected incorrectly.
  7. User scripts in the browser (JavaScript) do not function correctly.

Step-by-step method to resolve the error

Let's consider a procedure that will help eliminate the cause of this situation.

  1. Make sure your search and viewing software is not out of date. Without this it is impossible to move on. The most commonly used browser is Internet Explorer, which is already built into the Windows OS. It is constantly changing - new versions appear periodically. If you do not want to change the original browser to another more modern one, then update its version to a newer version. You can download the latest version of IE on the official Microsoft website.
  2. After updating the appropriate browser, try to log in to the bank’s online resource again. You need to launch the browser as “admin”. You need to click the “Start” button, select “All Programs” from the menu, then Internet Explorer. Next, right-click and select “Run as administrator” from the list provided.
    This is because only “admin” has full access to everything. This way you can expand the rights of your user.
  3. If you have ruled out the previous situation but the error continues to appear on your screen, proceed to the next step. Check the version of the Framework software. You can only have access to the necessary resources and use the banking services offered if you have installed at least version 3.5. To avoid all sorts of conflict situations in the future, it is better to install a newer version 4.5 and higher. Many users turn off the automatic update feature to reduce the load on their PC memory. Older computers may not have this feature at all. Your task is to download the update for the NET Framework from the official website, install it, and restart the computer.

    Please try to contact the bank again.
  4. If this doesn't help, reconfigure IE. Click the Start button, select Control Panel. Next, click “Internet Options”, then the “Security” tab. Add the desired node to the “Trusted nodes” section and save the latest changes.
  5. We did everything, but the error appears. Try changing your ActiveX settings. To do this, open the “Security” tab again. Move the slider down to lower the security level. In the same window, click the “Other...” button. A new window shows the parameters. Select those related to ActiveX and check the “Prompt” box everywhere.
  6. Another method allows you to troubleshoot problems in the browser user script. You must first download the platform itself (JavaScript). Then open the archive and install again.

We hope that this information will be useful to you, and you will quickly eliminate any problems when working with the program from VTB Bank.

This error message can be found on the state portal; it occurs at the stage of signing documents when various organizations access the State Procurement domain. The error “Cannot sign data Error description” no method support may mean that you are using outdated software or an error or failure has occurred in one of the required components.

Error "Cannot sign data"

Required components for signing on the website

This portal only works with the official Microsoft browser – Internet Explorer. To work correctly and eliminate the error “Cannot sign data Error description: The object does not support the Sign method,” you must have the following components and programs installed:

  • Special plugin for Internet Explorer navigator. This component is needed for electronic confirmation of documents and signatures. When the user clicks on the “Signature” button, this plugin opens a special program that focuses on the token. To download it, follow this link
  • In order to ensure the correct operation of a token from a flash drive, it requires special software.
  • A special PKIClient document, which is a confirmation of the certification authority, in order to download it, click.
  • Open this link to download the certificate from the server.
  • Vcredits are special libraries that are needed for proper operation, for x86 and for the 64-bit Windows operating system.
  • For Windows XP Microsoft .NET Framework requires version 2. Sometimes a problem arises if users have a higher version of the framework. For stable operation of the signature, the second version is required, not higher. To do this, when downloading a new package, you need to check the box - “Install Framework 3.5, including 2, etc.” In this case, you will be able to install the desired version.
  • To sign, you need another type of electronic software - Lkomponent. it can be downloaded.

When all of the above components are installed and updated on your computer, go to your personal account on the state procurement portal, log in and try to sign the electronic document again, the Cannot sign data Error description error should not appear this time.

Actions in case of error “Cannot sign data Error description”

First of all, familiarize yourself with all the necessary components for proper operation on the state portal, and if possible, reinstall all the programs that are on the list. Update your Internet Explorer browser, and also make sure that the 2 main components are installed correctly and are working correctly - Sign and Lkomponent, because they control the testing of electronic signatures of documents for authenticity.

The Microsoft Internet Explorer browser must be launched with local computer administrator rights. Otherwise, errors may occur when working with documents. This usually happens with versions 7 and higher. If you have a Windows 64-bit system architecture, try running the 32-bit version of the navigator, sometimes this can really help get rid of the error.

Add to the list of trusted browser sites

Sometimes the browser may not allow you to access the site for various reasons. This can happen to absolutely any node on the network. Especially with such an unstable browser as Internet Explorer. In order for the Microsoft navigator to trust a specific portal, it must be added to the list of trusted ones, for this:

Tips and tricks for resolving the “Object does not support Sign method” error

To resolve “Cannot sign data Error description: Object does not support the Sign method,” try reinstalling Lanit.Component in another distribution. When specifying the path, create a folder in the main directory of drive C (for example, C:\Lanit), or any other directory, in accordance with where your system drive is located. And also reinstall the individual KriptoPro certificate, update the program to the latest current version. The Microsoft .NET Framework must be installed using Windows Programs and Features.

For this:

In this window, you need to check the box with .NET Framework 2.0, if it is missing. This should help resolve the issue with the error “Cannot sign data error description: no support for the Sign method.