Yusupov Anti-Corruption Committee. How to protect yourself from corrupt officials. — How do you manage to break through this “indifference”

The problem of corruption today will not surprise anyone. It is no secret that an accountant may encounter this problem in his work. Where to turn for help in Moscow and how to counter extortionists - in our interview.

Mansur Ravilovich Yusupov , Chairman of the Moscow Anti-Corruption Committee at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Director of the Directorate for Anti-Corruption and Ensuring Economic Security

Mansur Ravilovich, can an accountant contact the Moscow Anti-Corruption Committee if, for example, an official extorts a bribe from him?

Of course, an accountant can contact us. We, together with the prosecutor's office and the Department for Economic Crimes, are organizing a set of measures that will help expose and detain the extortionist. For effective activities, an agreement on interaction and cooperation was signed between the Moscow Anti-Corruption Committee at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MACC) and the Moscow Prosecutor's Office.

People contact us quite often; we receive up to ten calls a day. As a rule, heads of enterprises contact financial directors or accountants about problems arising in financial activities. In addition to extortion, this could be, for example, raider takeovers, hostile takeover attempts, etc.

- What should you do if an official extorts money?

In case of extortion, you should, if possible, record the conversation with the official on a voice recorder, for example on a mobile phone. Then you can contact us by phone, write an email, or come to the office.

- And if you couldn’t get such a record, then what should you do?

If you were unable to make a voice recorder, you must write a statement about the fact of extortion and submit it to law enforcement agencies directly or through us. But in any case, it will be up to the authorized bodies to decide how to organize a red-handed arrest and initiate a criminal case. MACC experts may be involved in the case as consultants.

I would also like to say that extortionists do not always act openly: you give me money, I give you a good solution for a tax audit. Hidden forms of pressure are often used: incorrect interpretation of regulations, the use of internal instructions and departmental orders. In this case, based on a complaint from an accountant, we can use the help of expert economists who will examine the requirements of the Federal Tax Service for legality. This conclusion will be evidence of the official exceeding his official powers.

- Tell me, will the committee consider an anonymous application?

No, we do not consider anonymous applications. By law, only FSB officers review anonymous information in cases where anonymous information is of operational interest. But at the same time, I want to inform you that MACC works confidentially with the person who applies.

- Mansur Ravilovich, where is it better to turn if a bribe is extorted: to the MACC, the prosecutor's office or the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

It all depends on what structure the official is from. If the extortionist is a police officer, then go to the prosecutor's office, if he is from the prosecutor's office, it is better to go to the FSB, etc. If it is difficult to determine who is best to contact, come to us. Knowing the situation from the inside, we will decide which way to get rid of the corrupt official.

- What else does the committee do besides providing assistance? entrepreneurs?

We also conduct an independent anti-corruption legal review of various bills and regulations. We also regularly send our proposals to legislators on issues of combating raiding, counterfeit products and organized crime. We are actively working on improving the work of control and supervisory authorities.

In our opinion, the most effective way to combat corruption is personnel rotation of all bureaucratic positions. For example, it is necessary to change leadership (top officials and deputies) in government agencies every three years. Rotation can be done within the structure of one ministry (federal agency, service). It is necessary to transfer an official to an equivalent position with almost similar functions without changing the salary, but, say, to another region, district, district.

- Large-scale project. Do you think that if you change positions of officials in one city, there will be no effect?

If a rotation is carried out in one city or region, then only with an order not to take on any of the former subordinates. The main goal is to break up persistent corruption schemes, groups and communities that have been established over the years. Since Soviet times, corruption has flourished through the selection of personnel based on the principle of nepotism and kinship. This is what we must fight first.

Maria Brener, correspondent for the magazine "Glavbukh"

Chairman of the Board of the National Public Control Committee, Co-Chairman of the MACC at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry

  • Born in 1958 in the Ulyanovsk region in the family of a rural worker. Higher education, candidate of legal sciences, honorary doctor of legal sciences of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, honorary veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • From 1976 to 1978 he served in the Soviet Army in the prosecutor's office of the Tallinn garrison of the ESSR. From 1979 to 2007 he served in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. From a policeman on guard he rose to the rank of head of the Department of Internal Affairs.
  • From 2007 to 2013, he worked at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry as Director for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption. Organizer and initiator of the formation of a public organization in 2009 at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry - the Moscow Anti-Corruption Committee (MACC at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry), the chairman of which he was elected by decision of the Board of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The Committee works successfully with the support of a separate order of the Moscow Government No. 295 dated August 27, 2009.
  • Organizer and initiator of the creation of the Interregional public organization for the promotion of programs in the field of combating and combating corruption “National Committee for Public Control” (IPO “NCOC”) of which he is the head. Member of the Presidium of Officers of Russia LLC.
  • Member of the OS of the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, the Interregional Transport Prosecutor's Office, the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation for Moscow. Expert of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (committee on security and anti-corruption) and the Moscow City Duma (security commission).
  • He has been awarded many state and departmental awards, and is the author of textbooks and monographs on legal and anti-corruption topics.
  • Professor of the Department of Management Studies at the International Law Institute.

The problem of corruption today will not surprise anyone. It is no secret that an accountant may encounter this problem in his work. Where to turn for help in Moscow and how to counter extortionists - in our interview.

Mansur Ravilovich Yusupov, Chairman of the Moscow Anti-Corruption Committee at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Director of the Directorate for Anti-Corruption and Ensuring Economic Security

— Mansur Ravilovich, can an accountant contact the Moscow Anti-Corruption Committee if, for example, an official extorts a bribe from him?

- Of course, an accountant can contact us. We, together with the prosecutor's office and the Department for Economic Crimes, are organizing a set of measures that will help expose and detain the extortionist. For effective activities, an agreement on interaction and cooperation was signed between the Moscow Anti-Corruption Committee at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MACC) and the Moscow Prosecutor's Office.

People contact us quite often; we receive up to ten calls a day. As a rule, heads of enterprises contact financial directors or accountants about problems arising in financial activities. In addition to extortion, this could be, for example, raider takeovers, hostile takeover attempts, etc.

— What should you do if an official extorts money?

— In case of extortion, you should, if possible, record the conversation with the official on a voice recorder, for example on a mobile phone. Then you can contact us by phone, write an email, or come to the office.

- And if you couldn’t get such a record, then what should you do?

— If you were unable to make a voice recorder, you must write a statement about the fact of extortion and submit it to law enforcement agencies directly or through us. But in any case, it will be up to the authorized bodies to decide how to organize a red-handed arrest and initiate a criminal case. MACC experts may be involved in the case as consultants.

I would also like to say that extortionists do not always act openly: you give me money, I give you a good solution for a tax audit. Hidden forms of pressure are often used: incorrect interpretation of regulations, the use of internal instructions and departmental orders. In this case, based on a complaint from an accountant, we can use the help of expert economists who will examine the requirements of the Federal Tax Service for legality. This conclusion will be evidence of the official exceeding his official powers.

— Tell me, will the committee consider an anonymous application?

— No, we do not consider anonymous applications. By law, only FSB officers review anonymous information in cases where anonymous information is of operational interest. But at the same time, I want to inform you that MACC works confidentially with the person who applies.

— Mansur Ravilovich, where is it better to turn if a bribe is extorted: to the MACC, the prosecutor's office or the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

— It all depends on what structure the official is from. If the extortionist is a police officer, then go to the prosecutor's office, if he is from the prosecutor's office, it is better to go to the FSB, etc. If it is difficult to determine who is best to contact, come to us. Knowing the situation from the inside, we will decide which way to get rid of the corrupt official.

— What else does the committee do besides providing assistance to entrepreneurs?

— We also conduct an independent anti-corruption legal examination of various bills and regulations. We also regularly send our proposals to legislators on issues of combating raiding, counterfeit products and organized crime. We are actively working on improving the work of control and supervisory authorities.

In our opinion, the most effective way to combat corruption is personnel rotation of all bureaucratic positions. For example, it is necessary to change leadership (top officials and deputies) in government agencies every three years. Rotation can be done within the structure of one ministry (federal agency, service). It is necessary to transfer an official to an equivalent position with almost similar functions without changing the salary, but, say, to another region, district, district.

— Large-scale project. Do you think that if you change positions of officials in one city, there will be no effect?

— If a rotation is carried out in one city or region, then only with an order not to take any of the former subordinates. The main goal is to break up persistent corruption schemes, groups and communities that have been established over the years. Since Soviet times, corruption has flourished through the selection of personnel based on the principle of nepotism and kinship. This is what we must fight first.

The Moscow Anti-Corruption Committee at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Wednesday, May 28, held a meeting in the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the committee. This event was supposed to sum up “the results of MACC’s activities over 5 years.” The correspondent of the First Anti-Corruption Media asked the co-chairman of the committee Mansura Yusupova tell what MACC has achieved, what problems it has encountered, and what tasks it sets to combat corruption.

— Mansur Ravilovich, tell me, what problems do you encounter when providing assistance to entrepreneurs who contact you?

- With formalism, callousness, indifference of some organizations, especially the police. In general, we have very good relations with the Moscow Prosecutor's Office and with regional prosecutors.

We have reached a different stage, we are now an interregional public organization, we have transformed into a national committee. Now we have opened a public representative office in Crimea, we have made contact with the new leadership of Crimea, and we are expanding this activity there. A public representative office was also opened in Simferopol. We are opening in Sevastopol. We are planning to expand by region in the near future - Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Amur, Samara regions and other regions; representative offices will be opened.

Now we are deploying not only narrow anti-corruption activities, but we are already expanding the provision of public control, including public anti-corruption control.

— Well, what problems do entrepreneurs have?

— Most often, small businesses come to us whose rights have been violated. This is the most vulnerable group, because they do not have the ability to support legal services, they do not have the opportunity to build a defense, so they turn to us.

— Can you help them?

— We accept a statement from them and make an expert opinion. In different cases, we act in different ways: we involve law enforcement agencies or the executive authorities of Moscow to protect the legal rights and interests of entrepreneurs.

Not everything always works out, but we still bring most requests to their logical conclusion. In response to many appeals, criminal cases were initiated, or, on the contrary, refusals to initiate criminal cases were issued.

— What problems arise when providing assistance to entrepreneurs?

— The main problems are the indifference of the police to a greater extent. These are formal replies, failure to take action. When we study the received material and establish an obvious violation of legal rights, we see that black is black, white is white, and we begin to explain to law enforcement agencies, especially the police, and in response we receive formal clerical errors and reluctance to work.

— How do you manage to break through this “indifference”?

- Through the prosecutor's office.

— What other strategic partners do you have to help entrepreneurs?

— Basically, now all public organizations want to conclude an agreement on interaction and cooperation with us, because they see that we can actually do something in this direction, we have real results. The partners are the Moscow Bar Association, the main partner is the Department of Regional Anti-Corruption Security of the city of Moscow, we work with them very closely.

We work with the Moscow City Duma Security Commission, which is headed by Svyatenko Inna Yurievna(she also heads the MACC supervisory board). Well, the Moscow City Prosecutor’s Office is the main partner through which we break through the stone wall of callousness, indifference and lawlessness.

— It’s your anniversary, 5 years of MACC, briefly list 5 results of the committee’s work.

— The first is 10 areas of work covering the entire spectrum of anti-corruption legislation. We have developed it all. This includes receiving hotline calls, anti-corruption examinations and outreach work.
An important point is publishing work: we publish methodological recommendations, monographs on anti-corruption topics; the most significant thing is the first textbook of the Russian Federation (“Combating corruption in the Russian Federation,” approx. PASMI) under our authorship; We have our own media organ - we publish the magazine “Vestnik”. Here is the specific result.

And then, we are not an opposition organization, we are an organization with an proactive civil position that supports the president’s initiative.

— But the fight against corruption is not always politics.

— We fight corruption, not the state. We support the state in this direction.

— Of all the requests to you, what are their main flows?

— Firstly, the complaints are about the illegal holding of auctions and various tenders; to unlawful inspections by the Federal Tax Service (Federal Tax Service - note by PASMI); unscheduled, unlawful inspections by the police. These are the main ones.

- Since the beginning of the year, in which much has remained from the previous one, 94-FZ. How do you rate it?

— Now the positive thing in this direction, in tender policy, is the widespread introduction of independent observers, independent experts. Now we are receiving requests for MACC experts to participate in tenders to ensure openness and prevent corruption. When an independent expert from our committee appears there, the work there is conducted in a completely different way, it will be difficult to reach an agreement there, and the “infighting” will become history.

- Last question. What further tasks does the committee set for itself?

— The tasks are to expand this activity throughout Russia and go to the regions. Moreover, the regions themselves turned to us to open representative offices.

Interviewed by Denis Balashov

Born in 1958 in the Ulyanovsk region in the family of a rural worker.

From 1976 to 1978 he served in the Soviet Army in the prosecutor's office of the Tallinn garrison of the ESSR.


Higher education, candidate of legal sciences, honorary doctor of legal sciences of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, honorary veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Professor of the Department of UPD at the International Law Institute.

Labor activity

From 1979 to 2007 he served in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. From a policeman on guard he rose to the rank of head of the Department of Internal Affairs.

Interaction and cooperation of the National Committee for Public Control with the All-Russian public organization "People's Front" (ONF)

From 2007 to 2013, he worked at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry as Director for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption.

Moscow Anti-Corruption Committee

Organizer and initiator of the formation of a public organization in 2009 at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry - the Moscow Anti-Corruption Committee (MACC at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry), the chairman of which he was elected by decision of the Board of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The Committee works successfully with the support of a separate order of the Moscow Government No. 295 dated August 27, 2009. Organizer and initiator of the creation of the Interregional public organization for the promotion of programs in the field of combating and combating corruption “National Committee for Public Control” (IPO “NCOC”) of which he is the head. Member of the Presidium of Officers of Russia LLC.

Competition of scientific works in the Federal Bailiff Service

Expert activity

Member of the OS of the Moscow Prosecutor's Office, the Interregional Transport Prosecutor's Office, the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation for Moscow. Expert of the State Duma of the Russian Federation (committee on security and anti-corruption) and the Moscow City Duma (security commission). He has been awarded many state and departmental awards, and is the author of textbooks and monographs on legal and anti-corruption topics.

Interview: Conversation on issues of anti-corruption policy and the implementation of public control in Russia. Theory and practice