How can you block a person from a contact? How to block a person in contact. Settings - help

Good afternoon friends. Today we will talk about an unusual topic, but for some it is vital. Lately, my readers have been asking me an unexpected question in their letters: “How to block a person on VK?”

We are all different, and many people on social networks behave, frankly, inappropriately! They insult other people and write threatening letters to them. It's not so scary if an adult is insulted. It’s worse if insults go to your child’s page!

The child's psyche is not balanced, and such insults and threats can leave a deep mark on the child's soul. Therefore, he must be protected from such insults.

Also, recently, on social media. Various sects and radical terrorist movements have become more active in networks. And these terrorist organizations receive most of their new adherents from social networks. Most of them are young people under 30 years old.

Therefore, if you find out that your child communicates with such people, they must also be blocked. I will talk about social media. VK network, because it is currently the most popular in RuNet.

How to block a person's page

To do this, go to the page of the person you want to block. I will block the teenager who wrote an obscene comment in the contact form on my site.

So, immediately under the photo of the owner of this page, after the words “Add as friend,” click on the three horizontal dots.

We have a drop-down menu. Select the command – Block.

This method works if the person you are blocking is not your VK friend. If he is among your friends, remove him from your friends and block his page.

How to completely block a person on VK

This blocking method is similar to the previous one. On the offender’s page, after the phrase “Add as friend,” click on the same three dots. Select “Report page” from the menu.

Next, we need to select the reason why you are blocking this person. For example – Abusive behavior. Place a checkbox over this command. Then below, in the comment form, you should write compelling reason, according to which VK administrators must block this person.

Also, it is advisable to check the box above the bottom line - Close “Vasya Pupkin’s” access to my page and click “Submit”. This request will be sent to VK moderators.

How to add a person to the VK blacklist

This method is suitable even if the person is your VK friend. So, from the offender’s page, at the top of the menu after your avatar, click on the triangle. Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.

We have a new drop-down menu, select “Black List”.

An avatar appears automatically with the first and last name of the offender (optional, then enter the address). Right-click on his last name and select “Copy link address.” Enter the address in the field above, click on the big blue “Add to blacklist” button.

Then, a window appears again in which we click “Block”.

If you blocked him previously, you will see a message that the user is already blacklisted. If you don’t know how to find out the address of the offender (his VK link), return to his page, left-click on the VK address, and see the address of the offender. Next, we act according to the plan presented above.

How to block a person in the VK form on your website

If you have your own website, and a certain user writes nasty things in the comment form in a contact, proceed as follows. To the right of his comment, click on the three horizontal dots and select “Delete entry.”

Then, you will see the following entry.

That's it, the troublemaker of your site is now on the black list of the VK form! Now he will not be able to leave more than one comment on the VK form. This way you can get rid of letters and comments from inappropriate people on the VK page or in the VK comment forms of your website! Good luck!

PS. Find out how you can protect your child from other negative phenomena Internet here...

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You can block other people's VKontakte pages. This is done using several methods. Now I will show you how they work.

Let's figure it out how to block a page in contact.

What is it for

Any user can begin to perform actions that you consider unacceptable. This could be sending you spam messages, rude comments (see), etc. If there is a need to protect yourself from this, you should resort to any of the methods discussed below.

Thanks to them, you can completely block access to your page for users, or limit them to certain functions. For example, sending personal messages (see).

How to block a page in contact

Let's start with the simplest option. If you look at the page of any user, then in the additional menu block you will find a link to blocking him. Just click it and the person will completely lose access to your profile.

Let's try. Open any page and scroll down a little. Here we find the desired link and click it.

Everything is extremely simple.

At this moment, the selected user is blacklisted (see). We can work with it using the appropriate functions.

How to block someone else's page using the VKontakte blacklist

If you go to the "My Settings" section, you will see a tab here.

You can add any user here. And it makes no difference whether he is your friend or not.

This is done in two ways.

You can go another way. Type any text in the search bar and click the button "Add to blacklist". The People Search tool will open. Here, using the filtering parameters, we find the right person. There will be a link next to his avatar "Block". We need to press it.

The end result will be the same.

Submitting a complaint to completely block the page

The most difficult option is to send a complaint to the contact’s administration (see), with a request to block someone else’s page. In this case, you will need to prove your accusation. To do this, you should attach photographs (see) and other materials from which it becomes clear that the specified person is violating the rules of the social network and should be blocked.

What may be included in the list of violations?

To submit a complaint, do the following.

Again, go to the user’s page, and in the additional menu block, click the link “Report this page”.

Block a person interlocutor on VKontakte (put on the emergency list, blacklist) means making sure that he:

Use this function carefully and only as a last resort, when someone has really annoyed you, because sometimes you can block someone and forget about it. And you can accidentally block a friend - undoubtedly, he will be at a loss.

And also keep in mind that a blocked person can create a new VK page to try to get in touch with you again. Then you will have to block this page, and in especially severe cases, complain about the person to the VKontakte administration.

You can see everyone you've ever blocked. Click “My Settings” and then select the “Black List” tab - all the people you have blocked will be there. By the way, you can block someone there without going to their page:

How to block someone who blocked me (blacklist by name)

Go to his page in the full version of VK, it will be written there “...restricted access to my page”. In the left column, click "Actions", a menu will open, then “Block.”

There is another way - you can add him to your blacklist by name or by link to the page.

This is a softer locking option and more versatile. You can allow your page to be viewed, for example, Friends only, then strangers will not be able to watch it. In addition, you can prohibit writing messages to everyone except friends or a certain circle of people. The convenience here is that you don’t have to specifically choose who you want to block—you just need to determine who you want to communicate with.

  1. If you have an unwanted person in your friends list, remove him from there:
    • Click “My Friends” and find this person on the list.
    • Click “Unfriend.”
  2. Click "My settings" and select a bookmark "Privacy".
  3. Find the title "My Page". A little lower, opposite “Who sees the main information of my page”, choose "Only friends".
  4. Find the heading “Contact Me.” Below, opposite "Who can write me private messages" choose "Only friends".
  5. If you want, look at other items on this page and also leave access there only for friends.
  6. All! The settings are saved.


On the “Privacy” tab, you can select the access option not “Only friends”, but “Everyone except...” and manually specify a person who should not see the page or write messages to you.


If you have private messages closed from strangers, do not forget about it and do not invite anyone to write to you in a personal message - they will not succeed. A lot of VKontakte communication takes place through personal messages, so you should think again about whether it’s worth depriving people of the opportunity to write to you. After all, it may happen that someone really needs to contact you, but he will not be able to do this.

On a note: even if you closed your personal message from strangers, the people with whom you corresponded before, within a week will be able to send you messages to an already started dialogue.

How can I unfriend (unfollow) someone who blocked me?

Indeed, if you and this person were friends on VK, and then he blocked you (restricted access), then you remain subscribed to him. How to remove yourself from subscribers and stop seeing his news?

There is nothing complicated:

  1. Go to "My friends".
  2. Open up "Outgoing requests."
  3. Find this person.
  4. Click the button “Cancel request and unsubscribe.”

That’s it, this person won’t remind you of himself in any way. If you still can't find where this button is, open your application page using this link.

In fact, all Internet resources contain a sufficient number of bots and abnormal people who can drive people into hysterics with their texts. This is especially true for social networks, where anyone can leave comments and write texts that may not correspond to reality, contain words of threats, or even call for illegal actions aimed at committing terrorist attacks or suicide and causing genuine irritation. Let's try to figure it out how to block a person on VK so as not to enter into polemics with him, conduct meaningless dialogues and not be subject to manipulation.

Very often, for the sake of an unhealthy joke or banal fun, some users, regardless of the published topic of the post, simply begin to write obscene comments insulting not only the author, but also other users. To get rid of such boors and no longer give the opportunity to comment on your own posts, you can ban such a user. To do this, you need:

  • open a social network page for a user who will be blocked in the future;
  • near the “Add as a friend” button, you need to click on the icon in the form of three dots;
  • in the drop-down menu, all you have to do is click on “block” (after this word there will also be a name).

As a result, this user will no longer be able to write anything to you or comment on posts. Do not forget that if this person is your friend, this will not be possible until he is excluded from this category.

How to block a person on VK forever

Sometimes you can see the same inadequate users in different groups and posts, who practically always misinform others, swear, call for extremism, etc. In this case, nothing will help except contacting the administration of the Vkontakte social network. For this purpose, a special function was created that everyone can use. It is worth considering that the arguments when submitting such an application must be more than convincing, otherwise these actions will lead to nothing. To use this user blocking feature, you must:

After clicking on the “Submit” button, the administrators and moderators of the social network will review such a request and decide whether certain user actions were a violation and whether they contradict the rules of conduct on the social network.

Adding to the blacklist

Many of us may fall out with friends and not talk to each other for a while. Moreover, the person on the other side can write something to you, either making excuses or reproaching you. If you know that most likely, after a certain period of time, communication will resume and you will talk again as before, it is absolutely not necessary to remove such users from your friends, but temporarily add him to the black list so that at the moment you do not receive any messages. For this:

If you need to exclude someone from the black list, then you need to perform all similar actions, but already find the necessary person in the list and remove him from this list.

Blocking a VKontakte user on your own website

Now it is very convenient and already habitual, instead of going through the registration procedure on the portal, to leave comments, leaving personal data that are indicated in “VK”. But sometimes some users, in order to provoke a negative reaction from other users towards a particular resource, may leave unflattering comments in the form of obscene language, insults to subscribers, etc. Moreover, competitors can also do this by creating “wrong” accounts. To ensure that comments on behalf of this user are no longer displayed on your site, it is necessary.

It’s easy to ensure a comfortable pastime on a social network. It is enough to know how to block a user in a contact. The information will definitely come in handy sooner or later. Anything can happen on the Internet. Sometimes you have to defend yourself.

Blocking a user in VK from a computer can be of a different nature.

Personal – only access to your page is blocked, otherwise its possibilities for communication on the network are not limited in any way.

General - the user is banned by the administration and cannot use VK functions for a certain period.

Blocking from a computer: how to do it?

People often ask how to block a person on VKontakte who is not among your friends? The principles for blocking users who are friends and those who are not are the same. But the first ones must first be removed from friends.

Let's consider several ways that make it possible to get rid of unpleasant society.

Method No. 1: Blocking on the page

The easiest method of banning an unwanted person consists of three simple steps.

  • Go to his page.
  • Press the button with three dots.

  • Select the “Block” item.

Voila, he is deprived of access to your page, albums, correspondence. How long did it take to block? A couple of minutes, no more.

Method number 2: Adding to the blacklist

You can remove a person from the blacklist at any time.

Method number 3: Complaint from the administration

The method is tougher and more serious. It is applied to pages of spammers, attackers and scammers. You shouldn’t try to block your ex-friend’s profile this way. Moderators will reject the application if the rules for using the social network have not been violated.

The person will be blocked from accessing your page and may be given a permanent ban.

Method No. 4: Help from the audience

The third method does not always work. Sometimes one complaint is not enough to block a person on VK. Then contact a special community. There are many of them now. You need to leave a message on the group wall asking for help.

Rest assured, soon the desired page will be blocked, even if the person is not your friend.

If you block a person on VKontakte, what will happen and what will he see?

Blocking a person on VKontakte can be caused by various reasons. But if you block access to your page, the user will not be able to see almost anything. The avatar, information about age, country of residence and native language remain visible.

The privacy policy of the social network is strict. Once blacklisted, it is impossible to bypass the restrictions and deceive the system from a blocked profile. But you can create a new profile and try to continue communication. However, for this you will have to purchase a new SIM card. It is unlikely that your enemy will want to spend money just to annoy you