Recording telephone conversations on Huawei. How to record a telephone conversation on Android. Technical limitations of recording telephone conversations from the manufacturer

Call recording or “call recorder” is a standard feature on most modern smartphones (and tablets). Since manufacturers have long believed that users using their smartphone have every right to record their conversations with anyone.

And judging by the reviews from the owners of these certainly interesting smartphones, this unexpected fact is somewhat surprising. To put it mildly.

Of course, the problem can be easily resolved by installing a mobile application with suitable functionality, which, fortunately, is now in abundance.

But, as it turned out, only for the time being. Because third-party software records calls properly. But over time, it overloads the system, causing the smartphone to noticeably slow down, which is not good. Plus, various overlays and notification sounds that regularly “interject” into the conversation are also annoying.

In this regard, having been puzzled by the occasion of searching for an alternative and more effective solution to the issue, on the xda-developers forum we discovered one interesting and even elegant solution. It was developed and proposed by a reputable XDA regular, known there under the nickname Blackball.

The solution looks like a regular mod that actually adds the call recording function to the standard functionality of the Huawei P10 and P10 Plus smartphones. Fashion, not an application. Therefore, its installation requires the presence of TWRP, a ZIP file with this mod itself, and the P10/P10 Plus itself.

In general, if you also want to enable call recording on your P10/P10 Plus without installing third-party applications, then do this as follows:
  • download zip HuaweiCallRecorder and save it in the smartphone’s memory so that it does not get lost;
  • turn off the smartphone;
  • reboot into recovery mode (press and hold the volume up and power buttons simultaneously until the Huawei logo appears on the screen);
  • in TWRP click Install;
  • indicate the folder in which our zip file with the mod is saved;
  • swipe the button at the bottom of the screen and start the installation procedure;
  • after its completion, return to the main TWRP menu, click System and Reboot.

After rebooting the smartphone, the “Record” button will appear in the standard application of the P10/P10 Plus phone. Tap it and the conversation will begin recording. After the call ends, the audio file is automatically saved in the internal memory of the smartphone.

“Call recording” can be customized. In particular, activate the option to automatically record conversations. The settings menu is located in the main menu of the Phone application (3 dots in the corner of the screen).

And for general development:

Perhaps each of us has at least once encountered the desire to record a telephone conversation. And if in the 90s not a single mobile phone would have had enough resources for this, modern devices cope with this without much difficulty. However, many smartphone owners still do not know how to record a telephone conversation on Android. That's why we decided to publish this material. Today we will tell you in detail about what to do in order to record a conversation on Android, where audio recordings are saved and whether all this is always possible.

Google is in no hurry to introduce an easy way to record a phone conversation in Android. The fact is that in many countries it is impossible to record a person’s voice without his permission or at least his notification about it. That is why the American search giant is not seeking to add a call recording feature to absolutely all smartphones. He simply does not want to contribute to more violations of the law.

However, some manufacturers still make the application " Dictaphone» more functional, providing access to its activation directly during a conversation. They do this at their own peril and risk. However, often only the user, and not the creator of the smartphone, can be held accountable.

There are numerous applications that can record phone conversations. Due to the legislation of many states, they notify the interlocutor using a sound signal before starting recording. Fortunately, in most cases this signal is turned off. By the way, you can most often listen to the resulting result directly in the program, without using a third-party audio player.

Built-in tools

First, you should try to record the conversation using the capabilities of the operating system. It is quite possible that the proprietary shell installed on your device allows you to do this. So follow our guide:

Step 1. During a conversation, pay attention to the smartphone screen. You will see several icons that serve to activate the speakerphone and some other functions. Go to the second screen containing additional icons, or click on the button More».

Step 2. Here click on the button “ Dictaphone", if present. If it is not there, then your smartphone does not allow you to record conversations with the pre-installed voice recorder. You should try installing a third-party application that records the conversation.

Note: Conversations recorded in this way are usually saved in the phone's memory, unless otherwise specified in the program settings " Dictaphone" The exact name of the folder depends on the version of the Android operating system and the proprietary shell.

Using Automatic Call Recorder

Many third-party solutions don't require you to press anything during a call. They work automatically, starting when you receive a call or after you dial a number. For example, the program has this capability Automatic Call Recorder, as is clear from its name. To use the utility, complete the following steps:

Step 1. Download and install the application, then launch it.

Step 2. When you first launch, you will be asked to choose a theme, increase the call volume and set up cloud storage of audio recordings (Google Drive and Dropbox services are supported). If you want, you can do these settings. When you do this or decide to skip this step, click the " Ready».

Note: Samsung and some other smartphones have a special energy-saving feature that disables applications that have not been launched for a long time. If your device has one, the program will immediately warn you about it.

Step 3. Pull out the curtain with the main menu (you can simply click on the three stripes in the upper left corner). Click here on " Settings».

Step 4. Here, make sure that the switch next to “ Call recording».

Step 5. This completes the main configuration of the program. Of course, you can stay in this section for a while longer, but these are conventions. The main thing is that the application will now automatically record every telephone conversation.

Step 6. You can view all saved audio recordings in the program window. Here you can listen to them, delete them and perform other simple actions.

Note: by default, all audio recordings are contained only in the utility itself. Only after pressing the button " Save» The file is transferred to a folder that can be viewed by other applications. Before this, for example, you will not be able to transfer call recordings to your computer.

Using other applications

Please note that on some devices the ability to record calls is tightly blocked at the operating system level. As a result, any program that records a telephone conversation refuses to work. Fortunately, there are not very many such smartphones - this mainly concerns older devices running Android 4.4 or an older version of the OS.

As for other applications used to record a telephone conversation, their capabilities are almost equal to the utility discussed above. In particular, you can try installing the following programs:

  • Call recording- has quite rich settings, but may not work if you are currently using Bluetooth. The paid version can automatically send the recording result to the e-mail specified by the user.
  • Auto Call Recorder 2016- there is a backup function here, which will be useful for those people who change their smartphone very often. It is also one of the few utilities of this kind whose launch can be password protected.
  • Call Recorder- works on a huge number of devices, trying to bypass their protection. It is possible to send audio recordings to a cloud service - the list of services is surprising in its length. The creators also did not forget the scheduled backup function. There is also password protection.


In this article, we looked at all the most popular methods of recording a telephone conversation. Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that Google does not like functions that violate the laws of certain countries. In this regard, programs of this kind are removed from Google Play almost at the first complaint. Therefore, do not be surprised if you do not find any of the utilities discussed today in the online store.

Sometimes an important conversation needs to be recorded. Especially if it is not possible to fully remember information, without which responsible work is impossible, for example, collecting news from news agencies for a newspaper, calling your superiors to receive instructions, and the like. Or you just need to record the call to have any proof. Special applications for devices based on the Android operating system will help you with this.

Technical limitations of recording telephone conversations from the manufacturer

In some countries, recording telephone conversations is illegal. Manufacturers, instead of setting up each model of smartphone or mobile phone imported into a particular country, erase the software components of the Android operating system responsible for recording telephone conversations. If none of the applications for recording a telephone conversation work, change the firmware and Android kernel or the gadget itself.

Android apps for recording phone calls

There are many applications for recording calls on Android, but the easiest way is to use the internal resources of your smartphone.

Record during a call without additional applications

Built-in call recording function is suitable for one-time call recording.

This method is the simplest. The resulting recordings can be converted to any audio format using third-party audio converters that are not included in the built-in phone call recorder on your Android device.

Video: Record phone conversations on Android

Call Recording Program

The Call Recording application is configured as follows:

Play, save, erase - all these functions are available

The application keeps a history of recorded conversations, allows you to add the “recorded” person to the list of those prohibited from recording - or, conversely, take this person to “auto-wiretapping” (the recording of him starts immediately, regardless of whether he called you or you yourself “dial”: no need to press the record button).

The program takes a photo of this person's call.

The photo will also be saved - and shown in the post history

Convenient storage of records allows you to find each of them very quickly.

Listening to recordings from history

The application has a button bar on the Android desktop - like similar screen video recording applications. You can enter the call history after the end of the conversation by clicking on the “handset” icon.

Click on the handset icon to view your recording history

Automatic Call Recorder Software

  1. The Automatic Call Recorder application will require you to set a design style when launched.

    The Automatic Call Recorder application will require you to set a design style when launched.

  2. Set up your Dropbox and Google Drive accounts to back up your recordings. The app is able to "listen" to your conversations better so that you don't miss a single word - this is called recording level.

    Set up your Dropbox and Google Drive accounts to back up your recordings

  3. You can start recording conversations. Call yourself or receive an incoming call. There is a setting that allows you to turn off the microphone on your gadget: only the voice of your interlocutor will be recorded. The recording will start automatically. The red marker at the top left means that recording is in progress.

    The red marker at the top left means that recording is in progress

  4. At the end of your call, a message will appear indicating that the conversation was successfully recorded. Click on it and go to the call history to listen to this conversation on your mobile phone.

    Click on the notification to listen to the call recording

  5. Click play to listen to the current recording. You can save the recording you made to the cloud Dropbox or Google Drive, save it separately, send it to another gadget or computer, edit it, erase it and return to the log of other previously received or made calls.

    You can do many things with a recorded conversation

Video: Automatically record calls using Auto Call Recorder Pro

Record a conversation using Total Recall Call Recorder

The Total Recall Call Recorder program worked on “ancient” gadgets that had one of the earliest versions of Android. There is a panel with buttons on the desktop.

How to use this program:

  1. Launch Total Recall Call Recorder and press the "General" button.

    Launch Total Recall Call Recorder and press the "General" button

  2. Interestingly, recording may not be possible when a Bluetooth headset is connected. Saving the recording may be requested separately - the developers do not want problems with the law regarding recording telephone conversations.

    Customizing the application to suit the user's needs

  3. When you dial or receive a call from your interlocutor, the recording will start immediately, and the application will take a screenshot of the interlocutor.

    When you dial or receive a call from your interlocutor, the recording will start immediately, the application will take a screenshot of the interlocutor

  4. Viewing your call history is available immediately after the last one.

    The list of conversations recorded in the application is available in the history

  5. Searching for previously made entries can be carried out by date and time, by subscriber number and by keyword in the notes.

    Enter attributes to find the desired entry

  6. It is also possible to protect records with an access code, access levels for recording conversations with certain people from the list, numbering the list of records by contact names, etc.

    Configure everything, including application security

The app also supports switching between AMR and WAV recording formats.

Video: Recording with Total Recall Call Recorder

Call Recorder program

Another good program for recording cell phone conversations with a simple name is Call Recorder.

  1. Launch the Call Recorder app after installation. Open main settings.

    Launch Call Recorder app after installation

  2. Enter recording settings.

    Enter recording settings

  3. Choose the best recording method. The difference between the standard and the others is that the recording is simplex (only what you say into the microphone, the interlocutor may not be recorded from the earphone). The remaining methods (CAF, ALSA and MSM) make the recording better and deprive it of the “simplexity” of a telephone conversation, but you need to “patch” (make changes) the Android kernel and obtain Root rights on the device.

    Select the one you need if you have Root

  4. Select a recording format. WAV is considered the best - it can be without compression (maximum audio stream speed).

    Click on any of the items in this menu

  5. The developers paid a lot of attention to the security settings in the Call Recorder program. If you lose your password, the recordings of your smartphone conversations protected by it may become unreadable.

    Safety comes first when recording calls

  6. Additional options, such as auto-start recording when the talk timer is turned on, may not work on some devices. It is necessary, again, not only to have Root privileges, but also to “patch” the Android firmware kernel on the device.

    Call Recorder app gives accurate answers with some settings

  7. Configure the storage of conversation recordings, improve their classification and archiving in a folder by attributes. It is best to save recordings to an SD card.

    Set optimal parameters for maximum convenience in the application

  8. Set up playback of your recordings.

    Set up playback of recorded recordings

  9. Be careful when entering your password if you use password protection to prevent strangers from listening to your conversations on the line.

    Enter your password to keep calls private

  10. So, the settings are completed, you can make calls. A green dot during a conversation means that recording is currently in progress. The application will also take a photo of your call if the subscriber has been assigned a photo in contacts.

    A green dot during a conversation means that recording is currently in progress

  11. The recording will be available immediately after the current conversation ends.

    Select any of the recordings to listen

Call Recorder, despite its high cost, is an excellent program. Even “treating” your smartphone if it was missing something is worth it for the sake of this application.

Other applications for recording mobile conversations

There are dozens of applications for recording telephone conversations. Several more of them have the same name - Call Recorder. All of them work from the built-in drivers and libraries of the Android operating system. It is thanks to this feature that recording mobile conversations from an Android gadget is available.

You will not be able to record conversations if the manufacturer has erased the drivers and libraries from the Android system kernel from your smartphone - you must install a “custom” (custom) Android kernel before changing the firmware.

All programs for recording telephone conversations are available on PlayMarket.

Recording a conversation is not a problem, given the capabilities of modern gadgets. For this, there are both third-party programs and the capabilities of Android itself. This function is very helpful when you need to remember a large amount of information. The main thing is not to violate a person’s right to personal calls.

We may not use the call recording function very often, however, there are many situations when it can be useful to us. For example, we need to write down a phone number that is spoken to us, but we don’t have a pen at hand. Having recorded a conversation, you can listen to it again and slowly transfer all the necessary information to a paper or electronic version.

Or a bad person calls you and is openly rude. By recording such a conversation, it will be possible to bring him to justice. In general, the recording function is a very useful thing. Let's figure out how to use it.

Recording conversations using standard Android capabilities

The easiest and most accessible method for recording a conversation is to use the internal tools of your Android device.


To listen to the recording, go to the internal memory of the phone, to the folder “ PhoneRecord", in which our records are stored.

This is the simplest and most convenient option for those who do not want to bother with installing additional software.

This article was written using a smartphone running Android 5.0.2. On other OS versions there may be minor deviations from the first instructions.

Record a conversation using the Call Recording app


Now any telephone conversation will be recorded automatically. For example, I again called 611 so that Tele2 employees would not relax.

Let's return to the main menu of the program and see our entry in the inbox tab. By clicking on it, we can perform a number of actions: save, delete, make another call and, of course, play.

Let’s add that in the settings of the “Call Recording” program we can select the format in which the recording will be made, select the storage location, etc.

Recording conversations through the “polis callrecorder” application

Our next experimental “rabbit” is a program called “Call Recording” from the developer C Mobile.


The storage location and number of records will be indicated here. Here you can configure automatic clearing of old recorded conversations.
Let us add that this program has a convenient, intuitive interface and is easy to use.

Record conversations using the Call Recording app from lovekara


Nowadays, many people use smartphones with the Android operating system on board to make calls. It allows you not only to talk, but also to record dialogue in MP3 format. This solution will be useful in cases where you need to save an important conversation for later listening. Today we will analyze in detail the process of recording and listening to calls in different ways.

Recording a telephone conversation on Android

Today, almost every device supports conversation recording, and it is carried out using approximately the same algorithm. There are two options for saving a recording, let's look at them in order.

Method 1: Additional Software

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the built-in recording due to its limited functionality or its absence, we recommend that you take a closer look at special applications. They provide additional tools, have more detailed configuration, and almost always have a built-in player. Let's look at recording a call using CallRec as an example:

Download the CallRec application from our website or Google Play Market.

2. Upon completion of installation, launch CallRec, read the terms of use and accept them.

4. Here you can customize the saving of conversations for yourself. For example, it will automatically start only when there are incoming calls from certain contacts or unknown numbers.

5. Now start the conversation. After the dialogue is completed, you will see a notification asking you whether to save the recording. If necessary, click on " Yes" and the file will be placed in storage.

6. All files are sorted and available for listening directly through CallRec. The contact name, phone number, date and duration of the call are displayed as additional information.

In addition to the program in question, there are a large number of them on the Internet. Each solution offers users a unique set of tools and features, so you can find the apps that best suit your needs. For a more detailed list of popular representatives of this kind of software, see our other article at the link below.

Read also: Programs for recording calls on Android

Method 2: Built-in Android Tool

Now let's move on to analyzing the built-in tool of the Android operating system, which allows you to record conversations yourself. Its advantage is that you do not need to download additional software. However, there are also disadvantages in the form of limited capabilities. The process itself is carried out as follows:

1. After you or your interlocutor picks up the phone, press “ Record"or tap on the button in the form of three vertical dots called " More" and there select " Start recording».

2. When the icon turns green, it means the conversation is being recorded successfully.

3. Click the recording button again to stop it, or it will end automatically after the conversation ends.

Typically, you won't receive any notification that the conversation has been successfully saved, so you need to manually locate the file in your local files. Most often they are located along the following path:

1. Go to local files, select the folder "". If you don't have Explorer, install it first, and the article at the link below will help you choose the right one.

More details: File managers for Android

2. Tap on the directory " Call».

3. Now you will see a list of all entries. You can delete them, move them, rename them, or listen to them through your default player.

In addition, many players have a tool that displays recently added tracks. There will be a recording of your telephone conversation. The title will contain the date and telephone number of the interlocutor.

Read more about popular audio players for the Android operating system in our other article, which you will find at the link below.

More details: Audio players for Android

As you can see, the process of recording a telephone conversation on Android is not at all complicated, you just need to choose the appropriate method and configure some parameters, if necessary. Even an inexperienced user can cope with this task, since it does not require any additional knowledge or skills.