Forsaken world servers are official. Interview with the head of the C2H5OH guild. Unofficial Russian game servers Forsaken World

Official Russian website of the game Forsaken World

In order to immerse yourself in a huge world of magic and exciting battles, populated by several million players, you need to create a game account on the official website of the Forsaken World game and download the client. To do this, click the one you see below - it will take you directly to the registration form in the game.

Let us remind you that MMORPG Forsaken World is an online game, the success of which is associated, first of all, with a carefully developed quest system, which allows you to travel for a long time along the twisted paths of the plot and become a participant in countless interesting events. The game's combat capabilities are just as impressive. But the most important thing is the memorable atmosphere of the game and the huge number of players, thanks to which it is so easy to find friends here and, of course, make sworn enemies. After all, this world, although virtual, is almost alive, breathing and developing with you.

How to register in Forsaken World

Forsaken World registration fields

There is nothing complicated or unusual in the registration procedure at Forsaken World. Everything here is like on any site. As already mentioned, there are several fields that need to be filled in: e-mail, login and password. After registration is completed, you will have your own account in the online game Forsaken World.

Login is your nickname in the game, by which other players will recognize you on the forum and in the game itself. In this regard, it is highly advisable to come up with a sonorous name that will be easy to remember and that will characterize you as a person. Of course, given that there are already over five million accounts in the game, all the simple names that can come to mind are most likely already taken. But you can always use your brain and come up with something original, or just add a couple of numbers to your usual nickname.

Email must be valid. You will need your email address if you need to recover a lost password. So you shouldn't tell it to anyone.

As for the password, don't worry about its complexity. Come up with any idea, even the simplest one. Later, if you wish, you can easily change it to any other using the email address that you enter during registration.

When registration in Forsaken World is completed, all that remains is to download the game client. It will install on your computer like any regular program, and you can start playing, starting by creating your character. Good luck!




Attention! By clicking the button, you will be redirected to the official Russian website of Forsaken World, where you will have to quickly register and download the client. The game is free-to-play, meaning you don’t need to pay anything.

Play Forsaken World for free!

Game Review

Classic type MMORPG

Asians have long realized that Europeans are more willing to play other people’s online games than their own. So many MMORPGs have come out of the new and old world, but only WoW lives normally, and even that only thanks to advertising. Oriental MMORPGs are another matter. Lineage, for example, still manages to retain several million users, although the game is already many years old, and it is outdated on all fronts - from appearance to gameplay. And you can name a lot of Asian MMO games that Europeans love.

And then the Chinese from the Perfect World company thought - why not make a game aimed not at the local market, but at the Western one? You can highlight what Europeans like and remove what they don’t really like, and then the result will be even better.

This is what the developers did when they released Forsaken World. The game, however, cannot boast of graphic beauty, being inferior in this regard to Reborn and Blood and Soul, but in terms of the quality of content the project can compete with future leaders of the genre.

FW differs favorably from other role-playing games of its class in its elaboration of the game world, friendliness and a number of interesting innovations. Forsaken World is a diverse game with hundreds of thousands of users in its world.

Video reviews of Forsaken World, unlike the official game trailers, will introduce you to the gameplay and opinions of real players, which will clearly demonstrate to you all the advantages and disadvantages of this MMORPG.

Forsaken World official website Russian With a new 3D visual overlay, get ready for a massive bloodshed of vile monsters. If you like it when a game includes elements of adventure and by the way mobilizes your gray cells a little, then you have come to the right place.

Forsaken World 2018 will drag you away into a world full of fantastic places and events that will take you to the edge of your imagination. Welcome to Forsaken World official website.

Intriguing missions and side quests will require you to think creatively. Take part in an exciting storyline and plunge into a 3D world full of terrible creatures, and the selected soundtrack will repeatedly send cold shivers through your body...

Official website Forsaken World English provides stunning animations and an atmospheric soundtrack, available for owners of the full version of the game online Forsaken World free. Forsaken World game- it's dynamic game online ru in the native Russian language in which the main thing is only reflexes.

Manipulate objects, defeat evil creatures that want to eat you and explore an unusual hidden world Forsaken World Homecoming, which will absorb you for many hours!

Many novice players have a question about which server is better to choose, and what prospects await them there. To begin with, it should be noted that both servers are configured for PvP with the ability to PK (Player Kill) from level 30. Both servers have been running since the start of OBT, thereby providing players with identical opportunities to develop their character.

Selection screen

The server selection screen is the first thing that greets us when entering the game. Here we see the names of the servers and their load, response speed (ping), the number of characters you have on each of them and the “bonus” field.

Server load level

Many players who have just entered the game are interested in the server’s response speed to requests (ping). This indicator reaches its maximum limits in the evening, the difference in the inter-server ratio does not exceed 20-50 ms (the response on the Nios server has higher values). For a comfortable game, there are 10 channels, which allows you to feel confident even at the busiest time of the day.

Request response speed:

Forsaken World Rebirth - Dios

Forsaken World Rebirth - Nyos

Maximum level

The cap level (maximum level) currently possible in the game is 59. On both servers, the number of players who have reached it has already exceeded 50. The first characters to reach the maximum level were the Ascetic (defender, server Nios) and the Milanese (assassin, server Dios ). I would like to note that to achieve the highest level you need to put in a lot of effort and personal time, but after reaching level 45-50 you will have access to most of the game’s features: high-level dungeons, events, PvP arena.


There are two types of currency in the game: one we get for completing quests and killing mobs, the second for completing specific tasks and for selling things at auction. There is a wealth rating for the second currency. Based on it, you can determine the gross amount of money on the server and average prices on the market. At the moment, on the Dios server the maximum amount on the account is 31.35, on the Nios server - 18.8. Auction prices for different types of goods do not vary much and vary on average up to 20 gold coins for the same type of product.

Guild system

For a more fun and useful pastime, the game has a guild system. On both servers, guilds began to form from the first day of OBT, at the moment their number exceeds a hundred on each. The maximum level of guilds currently does not exceed 5. The maximum permissible number of guild members and the number of legions in it depend on the level. The most numerous guild on the Nyos server was C2H5OH (at the time of writing, its number was maximum). On the Dios server, the leading positions are held by the guilds “Ecstasy” and “Bears”.

Strength rating

Guild base

When a guild reaches level 3 and accumulates 6,000 contributions, the opportunity to participate in the auction for bases opens up. At the moment, 18 bases are being developed on the Dios server, and 32 on the Nios server.

Bases, like everything else in the game, have their own level. The higher it is, the more buildings can be erected on the territory of the base, and, accordingly, the more game bonuses the guild receives. At this stage, the highest level of the database on both servers is second.

Guild and its corresponding base number:

Arena Experience Rating

In Forsaken World Rebirth, there are special areas for player-to-player combat. For participating in battles you receive arena points. This indicator allows us to estimate the number of players actively participating in this event.

Arena Honor Rating

Dios Server:
  1. 25287 points
  2. 23986 points
  3. 23798 points
Nyos Server:
  1. 22648 points
  2. 22574 points
  3. 20999 points

As can be seen from the above, both servers provide players with ample opportunities to develop their character in various areas of gaming activity. When making your choice in favor of one server or another, you should determine how much time you are willing to devote to the gameplay, evaluate the speed capabilities of your Internet, and visit the forum sections dedicated to guilds. In general, no matter what server you choose, you will be provided with comfortable gaming conditions, and all gaming problems that arise will be helped by helpers, a list of which can be found in a special topic on the forum.

Chinese studio Beijing Perfect World is one of the most notable East Asian developers and publishers. With my first project Perfect World this company has raised the ears of the entire online community. Nobody expected such a high level from beginning developers.

Today Beijing Perfect World- a real media giant, under whose wing several very successful online projects have been collected: in addition to the one already mentioned Perfect World This Battle of the Immortals, Jade Dynasty, Hot Dance Party and others. The borders of the Great Wall of China have long become crowded for this company, so it very successfully invaded the European market.

The next step of the Chinese into the “world online”. The game was released in 2011 with the goal of finally convincing spoiled Europeans that Chinese MMORPGs are at least as good as European ones. To do this, the developers decided to use a proven solution: load tons of time-tested content and ideas into the game, without really bothering themselves with the question of whether players will be interested in doing the same thing for the hundredth time. The bet was made solely on quantity, without taking into account how all these ideas fit together.

The result looks like an unsolved Rubik's cube: poisonously colorful, clumsy and haphazard. Here, somehow, classic European fantasy and anime burlesque, dark gothic and brutal steampunk, little girls with big eyes, uncouth bearded gnomes, she-wolves with royal bearing and escaped Vampire Hunters bloodsuckers of uncertain sexual orientation.

I would like to believe that everyone in this picture is terribly happy with each other, and the big guy in the center is glowing exclusively with happiness

The story in the game is also not original. The action takes place in the magical world of Eira, where people once again did not share something with the gods. The result of divine whims was the threat of the destruction of the world of Eira, whose name is the Storm Legion. Players will have to clear up the brewing mess and save the virtual fatherland.

As usual, we start by creating an avatar. There are five races in the game: standard people, elves and gnomes, stone giants Frangors and incomprehensible Vesperians - the result of incest between people and gods. Next you need to choose a character class. The seven classes are more or less typical of an MMO: warrior, mage, defender, priest, assassin, marksman and bard. Only vampires are of particular interest. And not because they have any particularly unique gameplay - all their abilities are clear and familiar - but because a huge cross, which they carry behind their backs, has become an indispensable attribute of their appearance. A character with such a cross, covered in black latex, looks very shocking. That is, to put it simply, it’s funny.

In the boundless world of Forsaken Worlds, everyone will find something to their liking. Although mostly everyone will fight

In terms of gameplay, it resembles a patchwork quilt. Attentive players will easily spot reworked elements here Lineage And World of Warcraft, Perfect World And Aion and a dozen more online games. Unsurprisingly, there's a lot that each of these games has to offer individually. There is a whole mountain of quests here - both banal “kill three hundred rabbits” and good, well-thought-out plot tasks, the implementation of which is interesting to follow by periodically looking at the diary. Here you can take part in leisurely dungeon crawls, master complex raids, choose and upgrade any of fifteen professions, explore sandy tombs and impassable ice ridges, learn how to cook and tame animals.

Here you will also be invited to take part in a fishing championship and visit the crazy “Nightmare Fair”, where you will certainly need to inhale poisonous gas, weigh goblins and steal antiques. They also allow you to build a guild castle, take part in a naval battle, and complete several hundred different achievements. With each step up, the possibilities become more and more: upon reaching level 10, you can get a pet, from level 30 you can challenge other players, and upon reaching 45, you can take part in battles in specialized arenas. With each level, new content becomes available: events and dungeons, prospects for the guild and the intricacies of the profession.

The Halloween party is now open! Girls wearing a dress with a neckline and a cross behind the back have free admission

Once you start playing, you will immediately find yourself so loaded with all sorts of things and worries that it is an obvious fact that there is nothing original and unique in the game! - may not even occur to you. Especially if you haven’t been particularly keen on online games before and generally don’t keep track of who came up with what and how many times it has already been copied from one game to another. For example, the only things I haven’t come across before are a few unique names and a quest for weighing goblins. Although, maybe it was the Chinese who so creatively reworked the idea of ​​goblinball from “ Allods Online»?

But in very unobtrusive monetization. The store sells only clothes, pets and scrolls that speed up leveling. There is no point in spending real money; you can achieve everything on your own. Therefore, a rich player and a strong player are not the same thing at all.

Forsaken World feels like a cross between a big-box consignment store and a fashion sale. Here you can get everything you need, quickly and inexpensively. Forsaken World was launched in Russia a couple of months ago, and its success will now entirely depend on the actions of the localizer, the Nival company. If they manage to attract players with good ongoing support, update the client at the same time as Europe and hold interesting events, the game will take its rightful place among its peers. But expecting revelations from it, like in ArcheAge, scope, like in Star Wars: The Old Republic, or at least new ideas, like in Guild Wars 2, is completely useless.

Finding something convenient and stable Forsaken World servers- an important component of the initial stage of the gameplay for many gamers. Forsaken World is an international game and therefore there are many servers for it in many languages ​​of the world. Our review is just the tip of the iceberg. But we hope that this article will help players understand what they really need.

Russian official servers all official servers are available at this address, this is the Russian official website of the game.
At the time of writing this review, Forsaken World in Russia has three official servers:
  • Dios (Dyos);
  • Nyos (Nyos);
  • Corvus.
According to the legend of the game, each server is a separate planet, ruled by one of the three gods of the universe, Forsaken World.

Foreign official servers of Forsaken World (Europe, China, USA)

  • Chinese official server available at this address. This is the link to the official website of Forsaken World in China.
  • - European official servers(English, French, German). Right here on Euro-server Forsaken World American users also play.
These are the most popular servers abroad.

Unofficial Russian game servers Forsaken World

  • Nightfall update, maximum lvl: 80, Rates x300, experience x50, unique styles, unique mounts, players 500 and above.
  • starts lvl 60, X1000, unique mounts.
  • x100 rates, DDoS protection, balanced game store, constant updates.
  • players 700 and above, it was not possible to find out more information.

In addition to the official game servers, you can find unofficial ones on the Internet Russian servers Forsaken World. We presented some of them to you. They tend, as a rule,

  • easier registration,
  • some changes in the storyline.
But such servers are maintained by private individuals. And therefore there is never a guarantee that an unofficial server will last long. And in case of termination of work, it will compensate you for your efforts to develop your character.
Let's summarize
Forsaken World is a large-scale game with many official and unofficial servers around the world. There are three official Russians. All other things being equal, it is better to give preference to official servers. They tend to be better maintained, stable and more reliable.